Calyx & PCs4People Video Throttle Bypass

WARNING: calyx institute and pcsforpeople are hotspot plans, do not read on if you don’t know what they are!

Step 1: Maintenance - System Restore
(UNDUE any tinkering)

Step 2: Disable Auto APN
APN Screen remains on AUTO
IP type remains on IPV4 only

AT Command line by line
Command 1: at+qmbncfg="AutoSel",0
Command 2: at+qmbncfg="Deactivate"

Step 3: manually enter APN
Single Command: at+cgdcont=1,"IP",""

Step 4: check APN via apn query
Single Command: at+cgdcont?
(Don't forget the question mark)

the response should say step 3 command and OK

Maintenance - Restart System


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