Updated - Work VPN Fix
If your work vpn is working please do not follow this write up
This is the full way to disable IPV6
There have been a very few users reporting issues with work VPN timing out or not connecting, since this device is fully capable of it here's the fix. Since work vpn does not support IPV6 here is how to disable IPV6.
5G NetWork
AT command
(this sets modem profile to generic)
5G NetWork
IP TYPE: ipv4
create an APN, for example fast.t-mobile.com
$3 static IP use: B2B.tmobile.com
add it, select it, save it
Next go back to AT Command
AT Command: at+cgdcont?
make sure number one says AT+CGDCONT=1,"IP","fast.t-mobile.com
if it shows IPV4V6 you will need to manually enter APN to overight
if using another provider change the above APN to that provider, for example on verizon replace it for vzwinternet
Restart System
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